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Rediscover Your Smile the Life-Changing Benefits of All-On-4 Dental Implants and Full Mouth Reconstruction 

Rediscover Your Smile the Life-Changing Benefits of All-On-4 Dental Implants and Full Mouth Reconstruction. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and a passion for transforming lives through innovative dental solutions, Dr. Khazian specializes in All-On-4 dental implants and Full Mouth Reconstruction, offering comprehensive treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient.

An overview of an ALL on X  Treatment

An overview of an ALL on X  Treatment – All implant surgery and final teeth done by Dr. James Khazian and staff. San Diego, California. This patient presented with missing all upper teeth. She had a traditional removable denture which was bulky and felt fake. She complained that she had difficulty chewing and speaking. She is a doctor who interacts with patients every day. She desired a more permanent approach to her missing upper teeth. She wanted to speak, eat, and smile with confidence and without being worried that her removable denture moving and clicking while eating or talking. Above all, she preferred teeth that will permanently be attached to his mouth so she would not deal with the emotional trauma of seeing herself without upper teeth whenever she removed her old denture to clean it.

Are Snap On Dentures Any Good?

What are snap on dentures? Snap on or overdentures are removable dentures which are supported and held in place firmly by dental implants. Generally, 4 implants are surgically placed into each upper and lower jaw by a dental implantologist and special attachments are connected to the top of these implants which lock into snaps installed into the inside surface of the dentures. This interlocking action significantly improves the retention of dentures so they wouldn’t slip or move during function.

Dental Implants: How Long Do They Last?

Dental Implants: How Long Do They Last? When you are losing teeth or need to replace missing teeth in your smile, then implants are a great option to consider. Dental  implants offer the best solutions for long-lasting tooth replacement. Not only can a single tooth be replaced, but an implant post can also hold a bridge or dentures if multiple teeth need replacement.

Dental Implants in San Diego

Dental Implant Centers in San Diego. Over 33 years serving greater San Diego with dental implant services. 2 convenient locations. Call us for complimentary consultation and free x-rays. All on 4 experts.

Boating in San Diego

Dental Implant Centers is the leading provider of dental implant treatments in San Diego. We are an All-Inclusive dental implant practice which provides all aspects of your treatment in one office and by one doctor. 2 locations in greater San Diego. Hillcrest and Escondido, California. Contact us for complimentary consultation and x-rays.

Who Is Best to place dental implant in San Diego?

Who Is Best to place dental implant in San Diego?

Dental Implant treatments are best performed by well trained, educated, skilled, and experienced dental implantologists. Dental implantology is a complex field in dentistry which is practiced by select dentists who have dedicated time and effort to master it.